
Business Exit Strategies

Have you given serious thought to how you want to exit your business?   Here are 12 ways you can exit your business:

  • Sale to a third party
  • Sale to a co-shareholder or partner
  • Sale or transfer to insiders
  • Management buyout
  • Employee stock ownership plan
  • Sale or transfer to family members
  • Investment from a venture capital firm
  • Investment from or sale to private equity firm
  • Investment from angel investor
  • Mezzanine investment-convertible debt/equity
  • Bankruptcy
  • Liquidation

Each way out carries different tax consequences. Know this: proper estate, trust, and tax planning makes all the difference in your ability to achieve business exit objectives. With expert counsel beside you, sort through the many contingencies that arise when determining a ‘right fit’ between you and buyers or investors.

And if you’ve not yet begun your exit planning, and so many owners have not, please allow several years to complete the process, well in advance of your hoped-for departure.  The experts at The Roush Group can guide you through this life-impacting process.